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H o m e | A r c h i v e s | A b o u t | C o n t a c t | B u y a n A d | S u b s c r i b e | O n l i n e A r t G a l l e r y
Calendar of Events
Featured Artist:
Heather Dubreuil
Featured Event:
Hudson Studio Tour
Featured Event:
Hudson Music Festival
Hudson Players Club:
As You Like It
Hudson and Region Studio Tour
Saturday. Sept. 28th and Sunday, Sept. 29th, 10:00 am to 4:30 pm, page 2
The Hudson & Region Studio Tour provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy this scenic area and meet twelve of our artists. Come and visit their studios and view or purchase their exquisite creations. See where their inspiration begins and join us in celebrating their work.
Robin Grinnell
14 Wharf Road, Hudson
Ginette Parizeau
537 Wilson Drive, Hudson
Heather Niderost
Stained Glass
182 Fairhaven, Hudson
Normand Fullum
1111 Boul. Harwood, #6
Jen Baumeister
112 Maple, Hudson
Daniel Gautier
62 Cote St. Charles, Hudson
The Hudson and Region Studio Tour showcases the breadth and size of the Hudson area artistic community. Artists generally participate for two years but the tour has been able to attract new artists willing to open their studios for over ten years. The most rewarding visits are to actual studios but visits to exhibitions at venues such as Village Theatre are also interesting.
Below are links to Hudson-related websites: