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H o m e | A r c h i v e s | A b o u t | C o n t a c t | B u y a n A d | S u b s c r i b e | O n l i n e A r t G a l l e r y
Calendar of Events
Featured Artist:
Heather Dubreuil
Featured Event:
Hudson Studio Tour
Featured Event:
Hudson Music Festival
Hudson Players Club:
As You Like It
Calendar of Events
Regional Events
until July 28th
Just For Laughs Comedy Festival
The Nasty Show - July 24th to 26th, Metropolis
The Ethnic Show - July 17th to 23rd, Metropolis
Mega Stars Gala - July 25th, Salle Wilfrid Pelletier
Talk of the Fest - July 23rd, Club Soda
Just For Laughs Festival; 514-845-3155; hahaha.com
until August 9th
The 39 Steps
Theatre Lac Brome; 450-242-2270; theatrelacbrome.ca
until Sunday, September 14th
Piggery Market and Barn Sale
11:00 am to 2:00 pm; The Piggery Theatre; 819-842-243; piggery.com
July 8th to August 10th
The Lanaudiere Classical Music Festival
Joliette Amphitheatre; 1 800 561-4343; lanaudiere.org/en/
July 18th to August 8th
The Lac-Brome Cafe Concert
Theatre Lac Brome; 450-242-2270; theatrelacbrome.ca
until October 5th
Fabulous Faberge
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; 514-285-2000; mbam.qc.ca/en/
Thursday, July 24th to Saturday July 26th
with Karen Cromar and Glen Bowser
The Piggery Theatre; 819-842-243; piggery.com
Sunday, September 14th
Opening Concert - Maestro Kent Nagano
Montreal Symphony Orchestra
at Bourgie Hall, the former Erskine and American Church
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; 514-285-2000; mbam.qc.ca/en/
If your event is not here, we didn't know about it. If we didn't know about it, lots of people didn't either. Email us your information at art@artshudson.org and we'll post it. We publish four times per year, at the ends of March, June, September and December.
Below are links to Hudson-related websites: