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H o m e | A r c h i v e s | A b o u t | C o n t a c t | B u y a n A d | S u b s c r i b e | O n l i n e A r t G a l l e r y
Calendar of Events
Featured Artist:
Heather Dubreuil
Featured Event:
Hudson Studio Tour
Featured Event:
Hudson Music Festival
Hudson Players Club:
As You Like It
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, July 2nd to Tuesday, July 8th
Gail Descoeurs and Valerie Harper
Galerie du Plateau, 3945 rue St-Denis, gaildescoeurs.com/events.html
Sunday, July 6th
Greenwood Home and Garden Tours
Greenwood Centre, 254 Main Road, (450) 458-5396
1:30 pm and 3:30 pm; greenwood-centre-hudson.org
Wednesday, July 9th to Sunday, July 27th
Wife Begins at Forty
Hudson Village Theatre, 28 Wharf Road, (450) 458-5361
Matinees at 2:00 pm, Evening Shows at 8:00 pm; villagetheatre.ca
Thursday, July 10th
Greenwood Writers Workshop with Christine Davet
Greenwood Centre, 254 Main Road, (450) 458-5396
1:00 pm to 3:30 pm; greenwood-centre-hudson.org
Monday, July 14th and Tuesday, Juy 15th
Vinyl Cafe
Hudson Village Theatre, 28 Wharf Road, (450) 458-5361
8:00 pm; (sold out) villagetheatre.ca
Thursday, July 17th to Sunday, July 27th
Hudson Players Club: As You Like It
Jack Layton Park off Wharf Road
If your event is not here, we didn't know about it. If we didn't know about it, lots of people didn't either. Email us your information at art@artshudson.org and we'll post it. We publish four times per year, at the ends of March, June, September and December.
Below are links to Hudson-related websites: