H o m e | A r c h i v e s | A b o u t | C o n t a c t
Calendar of EventsDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchApril
Regional Events
Art's Hudson
Featured Artist:Vivianne Lariviere
Opinion:Why Art
Hudson Film Society:DocFest
Featured Organization:Pure Art - Greeting Cards
Featured Event:Heather Dubreuil Exhibition
Featured Event:Susan Porter, MediCentre
Theatre:Stone Soup
Music:Pierre Chalifoux
Featured Event:Feast for the Senses
Featured Links
Hudson Map
Below are links to Hudson-related websites:
Erica Jacobs-Perkins
The Cygnus Trio
Artist Rita Shellard
Hudson Artists
Artist Barbara Farren
Jeweler Louise Seguin
Sculptor Marcel Braitstein
Greenwood Centre
Greenwood StoryFest
Heather Dubreuil Fibre Art
Christine Hunt’s Studio
Chamber Music Concerts
Hudson Film Society
Historical Society
Hudson Music Festival
Hudson Players Club
Artist Joanna Olson
Comedian Lorne Elliott
Pure Art Boutique
Sculptor Rosalie Levi
Hudson Village Theatre