Calendar of Events
Featured Artist:
Solange Villeneuve
Featured Organization:
Village Theatre
Hudson Film Society:
Film Festival
Players Club:
Alice in Wonderland
Radio Hudson is a new service initiated by Arts Hudson. We have received a license from the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada ( SOCAN ) allowing us to broadcast music and audio files on the Internet. Radio Hudson will let you listen to Hudson-related CDs in streaming format and follow links to buy some of them if you wish.
Radio Hudson is just starting out so the selection of music is still limited. The website went live on September 14, 2012 and we expect to shorly include music by Glen Bowser and Karen Cromar, Diana Panton, Katie Moore and songs from Till We Meet Again, as well as comedy by Lorne Elliott and Bowser and Blue.
Longer term we have some other musical works with Hudson links in mind and will eventually expand our repertoire to other sounds we think Hudsonites might find appealing and of interest. If you have audio files that you would like played, please let us know. We can work from CDs and many digital formats.
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Pick up an issue at Pure Art Boutique in Hudson and at many other Hudson outlets.